Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Is this Iraq? No, this is...

this is Mexico! I've been recently been reading a bit on the war in Iraq and well, you do get to see how the Marines or the US Army capture weapons and ammunition.

Well, if you see this picture, do you think that this was in Iraq? They sure do look well equipped for waging war, but no, those men you see belong to the Cartel of Sonora (northern Mexico).

Mexico might not be taking part in Iraq, but I wonder why on earth do these criminals are so well equipped as the Mexican Army? I find it really sad to see that the best equipped people in Mexico are drug dealers or criminals (it makes sense when you look at their purchasing power...who in their right mind would not sell weapons to them if they have the cash?). Your regular Mexican army soldier does know that he is going to get his money's worth when confronting these guys.

I am not so sure where my stance is upon the Mexican Army going in and capturing these guys (I guess it got out of hand for the local authorities). I do believe that getting these people off the streets is important. However, there's this little thing in the back of my mind thinking that the army might be only acting in the interest of another group/band (of drug lords). Top officials of the Mexican Army have been involved in the past with drug lords or cartels (which just shows me that the values of the leadership is not what it is supposed to be). It is just so interesting to be able to criticize the American Army officials doing their job in Iraq (that is if you are against the war), but what do you have to say when Mexican army officials are actually getting involved in the fight against drugs by joining their ranks? It feels like my country is being betrayed by some of their best people, people that are actually given such power (the power of armaments) and judgement to bear and use their force.

Well, I can only hope that these criminals don't set foot on the streets again soon (or ever) and that the Mexican soldiers keep doing a great job.

Let me hope for the best!

"It is not living that matters, but living rightly." (Socrates)
About Iraq

I read a dispatch from the blog of Mr. Michael Yon and how he covers the situation in Iraq by accompanying American soldiers in their missions.
I felt that his dispatches are an eye opener or at least a different view of the ongoing conflict within Iraq. I am aware that the world is divided in several camps of pro and against the war. Nevertheless, there are men out there just doing their job and trying to survive day after day.

I would suggest you to read one of them (even if you are against war) so that you can get an idea of what is happening over there.

I recall that my father once read a book and he read to me a passage that I remember until this day: "In times of war prepare for peace. In times of peace prepare for war". I don't remember the title of the book or who quoted that, but it makes me think on how ill prepared we are if things really get out of hand (more war and war reaching our homes). In the event of being in a war, how are we going to continue life after the war has ended? Are we going to be happy neighbors and invite each other over for a beer or maybe some barbecue?

I guess in the end that would be the result because Europe has had its share of war. After so many years and hard work they achieved peace (and I don't mean by winning a war).
It's never easy to become friends after a fight, but with a little bit of wisdom, patience and forgiveness (this is the toughest to do for sure) things can work out for the best.

I'd rather have my neighbor drinking a beer or two with me than shooting at each other with guns and missiles.
What do you think?
A Little Change for 2008

Hello you all, welcome to 2008. I hope that these past weeks have been treating you well.
I have changed the layout of this blog and I will also be changing the things I write here as well.
I have always wanted to write about different issues that interest or trouble me. Maybe if I am lucky just to share a point of view and be able to debate about it and reach certain conclusions.

Fortunately this year has begun pretty good. My mind and body are ready for a new challenge. How? For starters, I am working out more often and my eating habits are much better. I am paying more attention to eating healthy foods. I used to weight like 85 to 87 kilos like 3 years ago. Today I'm like 15 kilos above that, something I definitely cannot be proud of. Yet I have taken the first steps to topple this big "fat" problem! I would appreciate any help or suggestions from you!

On another side I would like to convert this blog into a place or portal where I can debate, review or comment on global or regional issues. I firmly believe that keeping yourself informed in various fields will improve your daily life in a short, medium and long-term period of time.
So I will start posting about news that I read. I will honestly try to write the most objectively possible without falling into using coarse language. My goal will be to comment, think and rethink, and criticize in a constructive way. I guess part of my mission would be to help people out to figure things out, to find a viable solution to their problems, and to find an adequate answer to their questions.

So stay tuned with me because I will keep you posted. Before I forget, bear with my occasional posts about my personal life. I do like to share my moments with my friends. This is in any case the best way to keep my family informed that I am doing just peachy (for my foreign friends that don't know that expression, it just means that I am more healthy than normal).

Cheers from Germany (Land of the much needed Sun!)

Héctor Santillán

P.S.: A Mexican who still loves this country despite its pros and cons.