Hey gals & lads! Sorry for being such a lousy blogger. Time to catch up. It seems that life at one point gets so complicated, but at the same time it can be so easy. And well, I believe that life sometimes feels like a game of chess. You know, you start the game with such audacity and security, until you lose a piece or two (and I don't refer to pawns). With time (you have to be a fast learner) you have to adapt and protect yourself as best as possible. There is one thing though that we always protect besides ourselves (the king representing us): the queen (your partner, wife/hubby, gf/bf). It's funny how we get all upset one our queen gets taken. Nevertheless, she is not the most important piece in the game. I recently remembered that without the support of the towers, horses or bishops (these could represent your friends or family, colleagues at work, et. all) you can lose the game even if you your queen.
I am sure that many persons have already compared chess to our lives and the different situations we can find ourselves, so I am not really going to get into that right now anymore.
The support of your secondary pieces (tower, horse and bishop) is not only the only factor that plays a roll in the game. You also need to have (or gain, yes, it is a matter of practice) a long term vision of the game (i.e., to be able to play the game 3 or more steps ahead of you in your head) in order to see through your opponents strategy. But hey, this is only a game. And remember, you can always use your pawns (if they survive) to recover your lost queen!

I hope I get to play chess against you too! Until now I have played recently against four people: Nina Jaretzke (she's beginning to understand the game and what she has to do in order to win), Natalia (a good friend from Russia; she almost kicked my ass at the game...damn, that was close!), Bennie (B. Schmid; my good old buddy from the mba who just lost a 3rd time), and Gerd Kloos (who kicked my ass at the Freibad!! Nice! I need a rematch for that one).
There is one person I would love to play with again is my cousin Min (Fermín Santillán). I taught him how to play many years ago and I am sure we have not played in like 7 years now. He has been the only person to beat me on like 50% of our games. Playing with him will have to wait for a little while.
Cheers to you all wherever you might be! I'm up for the challenge of playing anytime you want (as long as I'm free).
Check mate!
Héctor S.
PS: This is one of my favorite pics: Playing chess with Nina at the Main river

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